AU Robot Servers
Contents |
Documentation of AU robot servers
AU Robot Servers is a software infrastructure that can combine a number of functional modules to a robot with functionality at a the higher abstraction levels. Yellow boxes are the currently available servers in this structure.
Download and bug reporting
For package and install notes see: [Christian's Wiki Page] - no, that page is now used by others for other purposes, but in summary the released versions are here:
and a few comments for the releases in Release notes
CVS updated to version ~2.01 (19 may 2008)
NEW! BUG reporting page here: Change requests
Doxygen documentation
Server structure issues (global variables and methods)
Camera server ucamserver
Laser scanner server ulmsserver
Empty server [userver]
Data monitoring client [auclient]
Static Plug-ins
Static plug-ins is part of the server code, and can be loaded without any additional files, see:
>> module help
To get the available list of static plug-ins (and a short description)
The three Coordinate systems are available as static: odometry (odoPose), UTM (utmPose) and Map (mapPose)
File plug-ins
This is a list of the current available plug-ins in release 2.01:
The intension is that there should be a wiki page for each with further description.
- - visual graph obstacle avoidance (not stable)
- - sample blob finder in a camera image
- - a sample center of gravity plug-in for part of a camera image
- - a focus (contrast) calculation on a camera image.
- - a module to execute bash commands at regular intervals - e.g. to move logged images at low priority
- - drive control to a specific pose (uses auavoid)
- - sample line finder plugin extended to find and maintain wall lines. Is based on the libauextractfeatures library.
- - a gps plugin, that maintains an UTM pose from a serial/USB GPS connection
- - a small function to return the closest point in a laserscan as a <laser l0=0.0 .../> type message
- - the new - but not finished - Mission monitor sequencer
- - a drive controller thet follows a road edge (uses auavoid, ausmr and ulmspassable)
- - mission sequencer - much like smrcl, but using variables and functions provided by the AU Robot servers - is to be replaced by once this is operational.
- - smr interface
- - a not quite finished Videre Design stereo camera plug-in
- - sample resource share plug-in - works with uexuse
- - sample resource share plug-in - works with uexres
- - extracts road lines from a laserscan (tilted laser)
- - virtual 360 deg laser scanner device. This is also available as static plug-in for the ulmsserver.
Plug-in structure and description
[plug-in structure]
[Variables] (global variables and functions across plugins)
Scan features (@todo make page)
odometry, map or UTM (gps) pose and pose history pose
Guidemark (@todo make page)
Road detect (@todo make page)
Sequencer Sequencer
SMR interface (@todo make page)
Camera server interface (@todo make page)
Laser scanner interface (@todo make page)
Obstacle avoidance (@todo make page)
Road driver (@todo make page)