ASTA motion capture

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ROS client

Installation as performed in August 2020

Mount cameras on joints and joints on clamps

Make sure that the camera is not upside-down.

Prepare 16 safety ropes

  1. Cut to 1 m length
  2. Use a lighter at both ends
  3. prepare 8-knots as for rock climbing

Mount cameras on truss and wire them with the two switches

Mount the 16 cameras in the corners and at each 1/4 of the edges. Use the safety ropes, and wire them to the two switches as below.

Asta optitrack wiring.png

Orient cameras and adjust focus

Once the setup is up-and-running, adjust the focus of each camera using a marker at 2/3 of the working distance. Skype and screen sharing may be helpful.

Asta optitrack.png

* In the corners: the bottom of FoV is parallel to the long edges, and the bottom right corner is vertical.

Asta optitrack type1.png

* At 1/4 of a short: the top of the FOV is horizontal, and the camera points toward the center.

Asta optitrack type2.png

* At 1/2 of a short edge: the bottom of the FOV is vertical, and the camera aims downward.

Asta optitrack type3.png

* At 1/4 of a long edge: the top of the FOV is horizontal, and the camera points toward the center.

Asta optitrack type4.png

* At 1/2 of a long edge: the bottom of the FOV is vertical, and the camera aims downward.

Asta optitrack type5.png

Personal tools
