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Basic drone flight controller design and test

  • Bachelorprojekt
  • Startdato 01. feb 2021
  • Afleveringdato 25. jun 2021
  • Forklaring/indhold - engelsk


The project is to design and test a basic flight controller for a quad or hexacopter drone. The flight controller is intended to be used in an extended control loop with additional onboard computer and sensors - like GNSS, laser scanner or cameras. The basic flight controller shall implement a roll, pitch, yaw and height control and allow an external entity to provide reference values for these, and be capable of implementing these with an update rate no longer than 10ms.

The control should be based in Matlab Simulink model of the drone, and correspondence between this and the real drone should be documented.

Stability against load change - e.g. a (heavy) sensor above or below the propeller plane - should be documented.

The basis is already existing hardware (a hexacopter) with almost functioning (Arduino Teensy) firmware, some user interface in Python and an initial Simulink model.

  • 183723 ( Marcus Andreas Hansen, bachelor Elektrotek. )
  • Jens Christian Andersen, jca@elektro.dtu.dk
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