Fejemis repository
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NB! at this point in time, the software is under development, so don't expect too much.
The software is in an SVN (subversion) repository, SVN is maintained by Adobe.
Make a checkout (open access)
svn co svn://repos.gbar.dtu.dk/jcan/fejemis
This will extract a directory structure like this
fejemis/ doc # documents related to project fejemis_bridge # hardware abstraction node in PC to access settings and translate to ROS fejemis-brush # EAGLE project with schematic for brush and front-wheel control fejemis_drive # Main firmware (Teensy 3.5 based) for wheel and power control fejemis_front # Firmware for brush and front wheel control (Teensy 3.2 based) fejemis_gui # QT-based graphical user interface for configuration and calibration of the firmware.
Tool chain
Teensy firmware
The teensy based firmware builds on Arduino library with the Teensyduino extension. The compilation is Makefile based (rather than using the Arduino tool). But arduino tool can be used too, if the main C++ file is renamed to .ino. The main files are:
fejemis/fejemis_drive/udrive.cpp fejemis/fejemis_front/main.cpp
The bridge
The bridge is a normal C++ application.
The graphical user interface is QT and Python-based and requires the QT tool-chain and Python3 to be installed. A small number of Python packedes are needed too:
* Serial * qt-graph