Raubase configuration file
From Rsewiki
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The configuration file is called robot.ini and must be found in the default directory. If no robot.ini is found, it will be created with default values.
The default robot.ini looks (pt) like this:
[section] name = value
Each of the sections are explained a bit here.
[service] logpath = log/ ; add '%d' in the logpath (e.g. "log_%d/" to generate a timestamped path. =
[id] type = robobot idx = 149 ; robot 'name' and 'idx' are read-only, use command line option to change = name = Psyche
[teensy] device = /dev/ttyACM0 log = true print = false confirm_timeout = 0.04
[state] log = true print = false
[encoder] rate_ms = 8 log = true print = false encoder_reversed = true
[pose] gear = 19.0 wheeldiameter = 0.146 enctickperrev = 64 wheelbase = 0.243 log = true print = false
[gpio] pins_out = 12=0 16=0 stop_on_stop = true blink_period_ms = 600 log = true print = false
[imu] rate_ms = 12 gyro_offset = 0 0 0 log = true print_gyro = false print_acc = false
[edge] rate_ms = 8 highpower = true lograw = true printraw = false calibwhite = 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 calibblack = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 whitethreshold = 700 crossingwidth = 0.08 crossingwidthd = 1 sensorwidth = 0.12 sensorwidthd = 0.7 log = true lognorm = true print = false kp = 40.0 lead = 0.3 0.5 taui = 0.0 logcedge = true logctrl = false printctrl = false maxturnrate = 7.0
[mixer] log = true print = false
[motor] kp = 7.0 lead = 0 1.0 taui = 0.05 maxmotv = 10.0 log = true print_m1 = false print_m2 = false
[heading] kp = 10.0 lead = 0.0 1.0 taui = 0.0 maxturnrate = 3.0 log = true print = false enabled = false
[pyvision] host = localhost port = 25001 log = true print = false enabled = false
[servo] rate_ms = 50 log = true print = true printctrl = false
[dist] rate_ms = 45 ir13cm = 70000 70000 ir50cm = 20000 20000 uscalib = 0.00126953125 log = true print = false sensor1 = sharp sensor2 = sharp
[joy_logitech] log = true print = false device = /dev/input/js0 limit = 1.5 1.5 0.1 button_fast = 5 axis_vel = 4 axis_turn = 3 slow_factor = 0.3 axis_servo = 1 servo = 1 device_type = Logitech Gamepad F710
[plan20] run = false log = true print = true
[plan21] run = false log = true print = true
[plan40] run = false log = true print = true
[ini] ; set 'saveconfig' to 'false' to avoid autosave = saveconfig = true version = 524 2023-12-31 11:48:38