Software installation

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Software installation

Toolchain installation

Install arduino 1.06 from

(newer arduino versions is not supported - as of September 2014)

Then get and install the teensey tool installer from:

Run the installer - on 32 bit linux it is:

chmod +x teensyduino.32bit  

It installes (only) as a merge with the arduino installed directory (arduino-1.0.6).

From this installation we need only some hardware parts in


Teensy loader and udev rules

Teensy loader: Get the loader - and udev rules - from

The teensy loader needs to be unpacked - on linux it is:

gunzip teensy.gz
chmod +x teensy

For Linux get also the udev rules, and copy them to /etc/udev/rules.d to get read-write access to the usb connection (/dev/ttyACM0) and others:

sudo cp 49-teensy.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

Teensy 3.1 memory issues

The teensy 3.1 using MK20DX256 32 processor from Freescale. It has 64kB of RAM, but it is divided into 2 x 32kByte.

0x20007fff  top of RAM <- stack starts here

    32kB Upper part of memory

            <- Heap starts just after static variable allocation
0x20000000    |
0x1fffffff    |  REGBOT uses about 45kB of static allocated RAM
    32kB Lower part of memory
0x1fff8000  Start of RAM <- static variables allocated from here

Variable placed in memory overlapping the boundary between upper and lower memory is not allowed - se test on this page:

In case of REGBOT, about 35kB of static memory is allocated for data logging, this means that this memory overlaps the boundary at 0x20000000.

This is handled when data is added or retrieved from the log, the chunk of data overlapping the boundary is left unused. The result is that one less line of logged data is available, but there is no gap in the data stream.

Heap space is used by some libraries, and usually no more then 1.5kB is allocated as heap space. this leaves about 17kB as stack space. It is not tested how much of this is used.

Regbot software

Then get the regbot software (from SVN repository on previous page)

It consist of a series of directories but is missing the tools and teensy3 directories,

Copy (or link) the arduino-1.0.6/hardware/tools and arduino-1.0.6/hardware/teensy/cores/teensy3 directory to the regbot directory, or set the TOOLSPATH and COREPATH in the regbot Makefile.

Links: go into the regbot directory with the source

cd regbot
ln -s ~/arduino-1.0.6/hardware/tools .
ln -s ~/arduino-1.0.6/hardware/teensy/cores/teensy3 .
ln -s tools/teensy .

The last link is only for convenience to start the teensy loader application.

Compile REGBOT

Compile the source


Common errors

* millies()

If you get

$ make
[CXX]   src/baro180.cpp
[CXX]   src/data_logger.cpp
[CXX]   src/i2c_t3.cpp
[CXX]   src/main.cpp
[CXX]   src/mission.cpp
[CXX]   src/motor_controller.cpp
[CXX]   src/mpu9150.cpp
[CXX]   src/rbuf.cpp
[CXX]   src/robot.cpp
In file included from src/main.h:31:0,
                from src/robot.cpp:29:
./teensy3/usb_serial.h: In member function 'size_t usb_serial_class::readBytes(char*, size_t)':
./teensy3/usb_serial.h:97:38: error: 'millis' was not declared in this scope
   unsigned long startMillis = millis();

The millis() function is defined in core_pins.h, so I added this into:

nano -w ./teensy3/usb_serial.h 
// line 34 35 (in version 1.24)
#include <usb_desc.h>
#include <core_pins.h> // <= added include line
* multiple main

You probably get:

.../regbot/teensy3/main.cpp:4: multiple definition of `main'
.../regbot/build/src/main.o:/.../regbot/src/main.cpp:434: first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [regbot.elf] Fejl 1

Then rename the teensy3 main file from the compile set

cd teensy3
mv teensy3/main.cpp teensy3/main.cpp.not_used

Upload to REGBOT

Using the teensy loader, point to the regbot.hex file and upload.


Python packages

Additional python packages used to show some graphs

  • python-pyqtgraph
  • python-qt4-gl
  • python-scipy
* no python-pyqtgraph

On my 14.04 32 bit ubuntu the python-pyqtgraph package was not found using apt-get, so I

downloaded from the debian package python-pyqtgraph_0.9.10-1_all.deb and installed using:

sudo dpkg -i python-pyqtgraph_0.9.10-1_all.deb
Personal tools
