From Rsewiki
SMR Flash Disk Cloning (See updated version on main-page)
How to make the SMR's work without a monitor
SMR simulator:
RHD change configuration (After flash change on some SMRs)
Contents |
Additional smrcl features
Also available SMRCL functions
asin(x) acos(x)
reverse using smrcl
Reverse 0.5m straight
fwd -0.5
Reverse and turn (turnradius 0.5m turn 90 degrees to the left, speed 0.2 m/s). Back and forward to the same end position:
turnr 0.5 90 @v-0.2 turnr 0.5 90 @v0.2 stop
Set RHD write variabel
setoutput "variabelnavn" 88
Sætter en RHD writevariable med navnet variabelnavn til værdien 88
I smrcl tolkes backslash '\' som quotes '"'